Thursday, February 11, 2010


We get a lot of strange phone calls in the veterinary profession. A couple of examples:

- Can I come by your office and get that allergy injection for my dog? You know, the shot you give him so that I'm not allergic to him anymore? (gee, I wish I had that - I'd be a MILLIONAIRE!!!)

- My dog has been vomiting for 5 days, has been having diarrhea for 4 days, hasn't eaten anything or been able to keep water down for 4 days, and is acting really listless... can I give him something at home so I don't have to bring him in? (oh, and PS - when I finally do come in to see you [10 minutes before the office closes, demanding to be seen because its NOw become an emergency], I will tell you I only have $20 to spend on my beloved pet that is like my child - I have a $200 purse, drive a $40K car, and have obviously had plastic surgery, but your $40 exam fee is simply outrageous and I refuse to pay it - but do everything you can for my sweet dog, I will bring you the money in 7 weeks - I'm good for it, I swear)

Today, however, I heard a new one... and I literally just shook my head, and then didn't know if I should laugh or shudder... so I did both.

- I've been breastfeeding my baby, but I have extra milk. Can I bring my breastmilk in and donate it for the cats and dogs? (ok, so this is strange, and would in no way help the animals [we need species specific milk replacer], but it was a very nice thought - an animal lover with good intentions, no doubt. on the other hand, as our staff began talking, we discovered that sometimes, even good intentions can be taken WAY too far - someone once knew a woman who literally BREASTFED puppies [or was it kittens?] - didn't pump the milk and bottle feed it to them, she literally breastfed them - now that?!? THAT is a little disturbing)


  1. LOL...this post is too funny. you captured it perfectly...I think I've seen most of these owners in my ER as patients! LOL well done.

  2. Thanks, StoryTellER :) I really appreciate the feedback - I'm new to blogging, but so far it has been fun to try and put my everyday experiences on "paper" so-to-speak... Its therapeutic in a way ;)

  3. Those are good ones-check out some my "the unusual" posts, they are listed on the sidebar of my blog.

  4. I'm kind of glad that I'm not going into medicine after reading the breastfeeding counselling note...oh geez (again). I don't think any additional Psychiatric training would help any Vet in your position... hang in there...keep laughing to yourself, or out loud- that would really freak your clients out! Haha. Great Blog!


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