Monday, April 5, 2010

short, but unbelievable

*sigh* I wasn't even sure what to title this one... I was in a room with a client, taking care of all the normal stuff associated with a vaccine visit - is Dexter on heartworm preventative? - has he had any coughing, sneezing, vomiting, diarrhea? - has he ever had problems with vaccines in the past? etc.... Well, part of the routine is taking vitals - temp, pulse, respiration... and yes, we have to take animals' temperature rectally. So, while I'm taking the temp (with an assistant holding the dog) Mrs. Uneducated says "Oh dear, will that make him gay?" Excuse me?? "I know you need to know if he's running a fever, but I'm just not sure what I'm going to do with a gay dog after you take his temp that way." Oh my... We tried to explain that no, it wouldn't make Dexter gay - but I'm not convinced that she believed us. *shaking head*


  1. If I was in a cafe reading this post, people would be wondering why I was laughing at my computer screen alone.

    Wow! That's the funniest crazy question I will hear all week.

    Ms.Uneducated... will there be more from this patient in the future? Clients are patients of Vets, right?

  2. ArtDoc... I'm glad you found the question amusing! My assistant and I had a good laugh about it as well... in one of those "wow, can't believe people would really think that" kind of ways. LOL. I don't know if I'll see Ms. Uneducated again... but if I do, and if she says anything else as funny, I'll be sure to post it here ;)

    Thanks for reading :)

  3. That's a good one! A few weeks ago I had someone compare their pet getting vaccines to being like a pap smear. I'm thinking not exactly the same!

  4. This made me bust out laughing!
    I am curious was this dog fixed anyway???


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